The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Friday, June 17, 2011

~Photo Friday~ What is it? (Part 4)

Ready for another 'guess what it is' photo? Last week's was fun and there were a variety of answers, many of which were spot on. Let's see how well you do this week: 

Leave your best guess as a comment on this blog post or any of the other places this feeds through (facebook, twitter, goodreads, etc.) Meanwhile... 

If you guessed baked cheese, you are right, but this is specifically lasagna. It was one of my better efforts and I just had to take a picture of it. Should I mention it was also gluten-free? Yum, yum! 

Tune in next Friday for an all-new 'guess what it is' pic and the answer to this week's. And don't forget there are still a ton of prizes left to be won in our Annual Summer Treasure Hunt! Click HERE for the original blog post and to see if you're already a winner. 

Happy reading, writing, and blogging!


MonaLee Wilson said...

It looks like rocks in a river bed to me.


I hope I'm on the right one! I'm guessing a mud dobber's nest.


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