I'm starting a new series of posts that I'm titling: For the Record. These posts will be random and vary in topic. They will be short, opinionated, and just a bit snarky (at times). Let us begin...

I don't like labels. I don't like calling my books sweet, clean, inoffensive, suitable for all ages, or anything else that implies who should be reading them. I can't determine who would like them or who would be completely offended by the content. I just can't know that.
I can tell you that the sexual content is far less than what you'd find in the typical historical romance. I can tell you that some consider them (and have called them) clean. I can tell you that NO ONE has called them sweet. I can tell you they are character-driven, the characters are realistic (have flaws), and the themes are often dark.
I tend to categorize my books as clean for the sake of sites like Smashwords, Amazon, Goodreads, and the like. For the most part, they are. But all things in life are subjective. One person's idea of clean can be another person's idea of moral depravity. That said...
Don't read romance if kissing offends you. (OK, mine have a bit more than kissing. Still.)
Thank you. My apologies that this first For the Record post ended up longer than "short." You may return to your regularly scheduled programing.
Can't wait to read your blogs
Thank you, Abigail. :o)
I can't wait to read them, too.
I hope my review didn't spark this one.
Your characters are wonderfully vibrant and fascinating. You bring realistic, flawed people to life and make your readers like them. That is a truly impressive gift. :)
I am eagerly devouring more of your writing as fast as I can. I can't wait for Honor to come out so I can consume that one too. :)
I actually stumbled across this because I had to pause in reading "Deception" to find out more about your heartless duke.
Your review definitely did not spark this one, Rachel. No worries.
As for Derringer, you are not the first to find him fascinating (and mention it). He seems to be the one from Deception that readers want to see more. His story is Heartless which is being re-released this year with TreasureLine. Meanwhile, you can find some more info about him here: http://heartlessduke.blogspot.com.
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