The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~Regency Wednesday~ Fashions for May 1819

The book I'm currently writing, Temptation, takes place during the Season, 1819. To that end, here is a glimpse of the fashions for May.

ENGLISH. No. 1.--Walking Dress.
Pelisse of light fawn-coloured twilled sarsnet, or satin, elegantly ornamented with trimming of the same en languettes, each languette beautifully ornamented with a rich yet light trimming of pink and black, with ornamental buttons. Large promenade bonnet of light fawn-colour, trimmed to correspond with the pelisse, and worn over a cornette of fine lace. Fawn-coloured satin sandal boots, and Limerick gloves.*

*Taken from La Belle Assemblée, 1819

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