The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Heartless Journey

Now playing: Fiona Apple ~ The First Taste 

Remember this book? 


But maybe you remember it looking like this: 


Either way, this book has been off the virtual shelves for several months now (over a year, maybe??). I expected to see used copies for sale, of course, even suggested to a few eager readers that they check out Amazon for a used copy. This is what I saw:


Yeah, that says "3 used from $442.58" (most expensive being $738.47). This screencap was taken November 14, 2011 and I know the prices have varied since then, but not much. I have no idea what they are now.

I was only slightly surprised when I saw that B&N had one used copy and it was listed at $519.

Based on these numbers, I think it is in everyone's best interest that I get the Heartless revamp completed. (You might remember that I listed that first on my writing goals for 2012?) So far, I've been enjoying the adventure. If you'd like to be kept up-to-date on how my Lord Heartless is taking up my time, please click over to my Heartless blog. That's where I'm recording my progress.


I've already posted an excerpt as well as a request for opinions. Who doesn't like to give their opinion?


LBDDiaries said...

I just discovered your name on someone's book list on Amazon - checked you out and realized I will LOVE your books. I bought the 5 e-books available on Amazon and got Heartless on diesel-ebooks - and I sure hope when I'm done with these, the others will be available in e-book form soon! I was going to start with Honor but I "thumbed" through Heartless and am having trouble putting it down! WRITE FASTER (smile)!!

The Heartless Gamer Girl said...

Hi! Thank you so much for buying my books. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them! ♥

Heartless will be re-released early this year. After that, another in this "series" is slated for release. There's also a short story series available for free online reading called My Lady Coward. Part 5 features Lord Derringer from Heartless, years before he married and "settled down."

Thanx for the heads-up about Heartless being at diesel-ebooks, by the way. It's not supposed to be available anywhere right now...

Have a lovely day and happy reading! Thanx for stopping by. ☺


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