In a continuation of my 1815 posts (in honor of the upcoming release of Honor), here are some advertisements from the January 1815 edition of Ackermann's Repository. Enjoy!
Denis Jacob
Begs leave to inform the Public, that he gives the full value, in ready money, for DIAMONDS and PEARLS, at No. 57, Margaret street, Cavendish-square.
N.B. Several second-hand articles to be disposed of."*
The acknowledged reputation of BURGESS's ESSENCE OF ANCHOVIES having induced many persons to impose a spurious kind upon shopkeepers and others, Mr. Burgess thinks it his duty to guard the public against the numerous impositions daily practised, of an article offered to their notice under various deceptions for his; he requests his friends and the public in general, to remark particularly, taht the Original and Superior Essence of Anchovies continues to be made by him, and has the following label upon each bottle (John Burgess and Son, Original and Superior Essence of Anchovies, No. 107, Strand, corner of the Savoy Steps, London). Shopkeepers and others who are offered an article as Mr. Burgess's make, are requested to observe, that the label corresponds with the above.
London, July, 1814."*
(Until I dug a little deeper, I thought: Is this perfume? LOL! No, it's for cooking! Duh!)
London, July, 1814."*
(Until I dug a little deeper, I thought: Is this perfume? LOL! No, it's for cooking! Duh!)
Stephenson's Patent Filtering Machines are portable, never our of repair, and are the best invention ever produced for purifying water, at the unexampled rate of 200 gallons per day, rendering the water beautifully transparent.
T.S. begs leave to offer his grateful acknowledgments to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, for their distinguished patronage, and offers his invention at the following prices:—1st, or large size, £10.10s. purifies at the rate of 200 gallons per day; 2d size, £7.7s. at 100 ditto; and 3d size, £5.5s. at 50 do.
To be seen at work in his Manufactory, No. 6, Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square, and at the Bar of the Jerusalem Coffee-House, Cooper's-court, Cornhill."*
To be seen at work in his Manufactory, No. 6, Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square, and at the Bar of the Jerusalem Coffee-House, Cooper's-court, Cornhill."*
(I would LOVE to see this patent filtering machine. Imagine, it renders the water BEAUTIFULLY TRANSPARENT. Oh my.)
Until next time, happy reading, writing, and blogging!!!
*Taken verbatim from Ackermann's Repository, 1815, page 377.
Until next time, happy reading, writing, and blogging!!!
*Taken verbatim from Ackermann's Repository, 1815, page 377.
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