The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Friday, December 25, 2009

~Photo Friday~ Waiting for Spring

I admit, I am not a winter person. I suppose Michigan is not the best place to live when one is not a winter person. Oh well. I am already looking forward to all the wonders of spring.

This pic was actually taken in July 2008. These adorable baby whitetail deer were in my backyard.

1 comment:

Kappa no He said...

The fawns are precious, Jaimey. I'm here to wish you the very best of 2010s. I look forward to our continuing friendship. Loved your book and can't wait to read more. Take care and will talk to you all over the Net.



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