The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

~Regency Wednesday~ Court Dress

Court dress is mentioned in many Regency romances, though I've never personally worried much about including that particular aspect of the Regency upper classes in my own books. However, it was a part of many a debutante's first Season, in which she was presented to the Queen of England. 

The clipped image below is of the Marchioness of Townshend in full court dress in 1806. 

The issue of La Belle Assemblée this was taken from includes a biographical sketch of Lady Townshend. If you'd like to read about her, you can find the Google eBook HERE. She is featured on page 16.

♥Happy reading, writing, and blogging!!♥

There's a jukebox in my head. It's currently playing
♫♪ FFXIII-2 ~ Lightning's Theme - Unprotected Future - 


Rachel Rossano said...

Wow! Talk about mixing fashion of different periods! Crinolines under a regency style bodice looks strange. :)

S.M. Carrière said...

That does not look comfortable!

The Heartless Gamer Girl said...

Thus the reason it does not appear in any of my books. I torture my heroines enough. I don't think anyone deserves this. ;O) I'm sure some court dress is a little better than this.

The style changed some over the years but not enough to be less uncomfortable or fussy. And there was something about the number of feathers in the hair too but I can't remember the significance.


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