The random—and not so random—musings of a quirky Regency romance writer.
No one with that many people in her head can possibly be normal...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Taking a break...

It's been a while, hasn't it? I haven't dropped off the earth, or died, or anything equally dramatic. I'm taking a break. A really, really long one. From blogging, writing, cover design—basically, from everything except my family. I have written some since I disappeared, but the last few months have been virtually "written word" free. It's strange and I can't say that I like it. But things are settling down around here, so I hope to get back to writing again soon. The cover design, however, will remain on the backburner, with only a few exceptions. I am sorry about that, but something had to go.

That's all. I just wanted to let you know. I should have done so earlier than this, but I couldn't face things at first. This was a really tough decision. 

I might be making an online appearance November 10. My bestie's next book is coming out and that's the day of her book release party. I don't really want to miss that. She's so awesome! ♥ 

♥Happy reading, writing, and blogging!!♥

There’s a jukebox in my head. It’s currently playing
♫♪ Imagine Dragons ~ Demons


S.M. Carrière said...

Hey Jaimey!

Glad to hear you haven't walked off the edge of the world. I do hope that everything is all right. I think looking after yourself and your own needs first is a spectacular idea. Sending you much love and positive energy! Hugs!

Cynthia Schuerr said...

Jaimey, I am so glad you are alright. I wondered, but I don't like to pry and if you wanted everyone to know why you were gone, you would have announced it. I thought of asking Linda, but then I thought it would put her in an unfair position trying to explain why you were gone. I'm happy for you that you are spending time with your family. I'm sure they are loving it.

See you on November 10th! :-)

The Heartless Gamer Girl said...

Thank you for your concern, ladies! I really appreciate it. ♥

Cindy, you can always ask Linda about me. She's the one who will have the latest news on my activities, if I fail to keep you all updated here. :)


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